spring aop performance monitoring
21 Feb 2018Noboby instruments code better than Spring AOP. Generating execution times for methods is made easy with the AbstractMonitoringInterceptor.
Spring AOP configuration:
public class FileIntAopConfiguration {
@Pointcut("execution(* com.test.FlatFileProcessor.*(..))")
public void monitor() {
public FileIntPerformanceMonitorInterceptor performanceMonitorInterceptor() {
return new FileIntPerformanceMonitorInterceptor(true);
public Advisor performanceMonitorAdvisor() {
AspectJExpressionPointcut pointcut = new AspectJExpressionPointcut();
pointcut.setExpression("execution(* com.test.FlatFileProcessor.*(..))");
return new DefaultPointcutAdvisor(pointcut, performanceMonitorInterceptor());
- Pointcuts are methods to be intercepted by AOP and Advisors link pointcuts to interceptor implementations:
public class FileIntPerformanceMonitorInterceptor extends AbstractMonitoringInterceptor {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8725998668272240895L;
public FileIntPerformanceMonitorInterceptor() {
public FileIntPerformanceMonitorInterceptor(boolean useDynamicLogger) {
protected Object invokeUnderTrace(MethodInvocation invocation, Log log)
throws Throwable {
String name = createInvocationTraceName(invocation);
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
log.info("Method " + name + " execution started at:" + new Date());
try {
return invocation.proceed();
finally {
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
long time = end - start;
log.info("Method "+name+" execution lasted:"+time+" ms");
log.info("Method "+name+" execution ended at:"+new Date());
if (time > 10){
log.warn("Method execution longer than 10 ms!");
Make sure to use correct aspectj versions in your pom:
- Log4j Logging level has to be at TRACE for the logs to show up.