Time to start looking

The layoffs season is upon us or has it been a layoff year? Hard to keep track of. TechCrunch seems to have tried to come up with a comprehensive list but of course this is not even close to a complete list as it doesn’t contain the innumerable startups that sprung up during the covid era and disappeared soon after leaving scores of jobless engineers in their wake. Layoffs can of course be excruciatingly hard irrespective of whether you are a novice engineer or a seasoned veteran. Being laid off can have significant financial impact as well as cause a fair amount of emotional damage and loss of self confidence as having been part of a failed venture.

Of course this instability makes engineers very hesitant to work for startups which is bad for progress in society in general. We all need talented engineers working on new ventures to move the needle on technological progress. I regularly get asked by novice engineers on how to decide to work for a startup and how to hedge against the risks that come with working at a startup. Two cardinal rules that I follow while picking/working for a startup are:

Make sure you really want to work there

One of the main questions facing engineers while picking a startup is: Is this the right place? Engineers get drawn to startups for a myriad of reasons

Given there are a plethora of startups out there offering talented engineers some combination of the above, how do you go about choosing the right belle to the ball? Having worked for a few startups of varying degree of success, there are a few criteria I stick to while deciding to work for one:

Know when to leave

This is the million dollar question. Say you have joined a startup but you reach a point where you start questioning the viability of said startup, but you have put in a lot of effort into the work there, have made some deep connections and are vested both emotionally and … in options so understandably do not want to leave but yet don’t want to be blindsided by layoffs. Due to the vicissitudes that nearly every startup goes through, this is a pretty normal situation that most engineers find themselves in. Of course in almost every case if after spending some time at a startup an engineer is ambivalent about it’s chances of succeeding, it probably won’t happen. They have already subconsciously picked up on indicators of this throughout their time there and the next step is to consciously acknowledge it. There are a few signs of things not working out that I have observed over the years that would be useful for younger engineers to be aware of:

This is not meant to be a definitive guide on how to approach startups, but hopefully it provides some overarching rules that will help engineers have control over their careers and not get caught unawares.