CXF Interceptors

If you ever work with CXF to consume web services and are looking for a way to instrument your code, CXF provides a pretty slick API in the form of Interceptors. These interceptors provide pretty advanced capabilities like changing the SOAP message or headers at runtime but let’s take a look at basic logging interceptors:

The two examples above inherit from two standard logging CXF Interceptors

LoggingInInterceptor : For incoming messages (responses) LoggingOutInterceptor : For outgoing messages(requests)

The formatLoggingMessage method intercepts the message and allows the user to extract various parts of the message and log it. The -1 in the constructor instructs the interceptor to extract the entire message(upto max Integer) and not truncate it. Logging is implemented by java.utils.logging but can be controlled through a log4j2.xml file as below:

<Logger name="" level="INFO" additivity="false">
	<AppenderRef ref="splunk" />
    <AppenderRef ref="applogfile"/>